One of the most basic needs a person has is the need for personal safety, security, and shelter. If a person is experiencing homelessness, it is next to impossible for them to effectively address any other issue in their life. We take on a housing first strategy and aim to address housing needs first.  The underlying issues that so often lead to incarceration - such as complex trauma, substance use disorder and/or mental health concerns - cannot effectively be addressed with a person who does not have a safe, secure and stable place to live.  

Neighborhood and Built Environment

In the intricate tapestry of urban and suburban landscapes, the concepts of neighborhood and built environment converge to define the spaces we call home. At the heart of this synergy lies the power to create vibrant, sustainable communities that contribute to the well-being and quality of life for all residents.


Home ownership represents a significant milestone in the lives of individuals and families, embodying not just a place to live but a foundation for stability, financial growth, and personal fulfillment. At CoB Empowerment Inc., we understand the profound impact that owning a home can have on individuals and communities, and we are committed to empowering individuals on their journey towards home ownership.


Renting provides a flexible and accessible housing solution that aligns with the diverse needs and lifestyles of individuals and families in today's dynamic world. At CoB Empowerment Inc., we recognize the importance of rental housing in fostering mobility, providing temporary stability, and offering a viable option for those seeking flexibility in their living arrangements.


Transitional housing serves as a crucial bridge for individuals and families navigating periods of transition, offering a supportive and structured environment as they work towards achieving stability and renewed hope. At CoB Empowerment Inc., we understand the significance of transitional housing in providing a stepping stone towards self-sufficiency and empowerment.


Supportive housing is a compassionate and holistic approach to addressing the complex needs of individuals facing challenges such as homelessness, mental health issues, substance abuse, or chronic illnesses. At CoB Empowerment Inc., we are dedicated to providing supportive housing solutions that go beyond shelter, fostering an environment where residents can rebuild their lives with dignity and support.